Privacy Statement

This state­ment relates to our pri­vacy prac­tices in con­nec­tion with this web site. We are not respon­si­ble for the con­tent or pri­vacy prac­tices of other websites.

Gen­eral statement

Cork City Dining respects your right to pri­vacy, and will not col­lect any per­sonal infor­ma­tion about you on this web­site with­out your clear permission.

Col­lec­tion and use of per­sonal information

Cork City Dining does not col­lect any per­sonal data about you on this web­site, apart from infor­ma­tion which you vol­un­teer (for exam­ple by using our online enquiry form). Any per­sonal infor­ma­tion which you pro­vide in this way is not made avail­able to any third par­ties, and is used by Cork City Dining only in line with the pur­pose for which you pro­vided it. This web­site does not share any per­sonal infor­ma­tion with third parties.

Col­lec­tion and use of tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion – cookies

Cook­ies are very small text files that are stored on your com­puter when you visit some websites.

We use cook­ies so we can tai­lor your user expe­ri­ence, track your progress through the site, allow you to share pages and, if avail­able, remem­ber that you are logged in.

You can dis­able any cook­ies already stored on your com­puter, but these may stop parts of our web­site from func­tion­ing properly.

Func­tional Cook­ies make sure the web­site looks con­sis­tent and include infor­ma­tion wid­gets from other web­sites – e.g. Tri­pad­vi­sor, Twitter.

Track­ing Cook­ies track the pages you visit via Google Ana­lyt­ics and Stat​Counter​.com

Tar­get­ing Cook­ies allow you to share pages with social net­works such as Face­book and Twit­ter (if avail­able) and allow you to share pages via Add This (if available).